Before Leaving abroad, please check your Roaming settings
Before Leaving abroad, please check your Roaming settings:
- roaming activation terms for prepaid payment system (link to prepaid)
- roaming activation terms for postpaid payment system (link to postpaid)
Team roaming is available in more than 437 mobile operators’ networks in over 180 countries.
Please check Roaming availability in the country you are going to visit in the list of Team roaming partners.
Please get acquainted with Team Basic Roaming Tariffs
Attention to subscribers leaving for Turkey. Before leaving, please get acquainted with Turkey law provisions regarding Roaming.
In foreign country
- Upon arrival, just switch on the phone and it will automatically register in one of the available networks.
- The network name of local operator will show up on the phone screen. If not, select the network «manually» through the phone menu (Settings).
- Upon registration in roaming partner’s network you will receive an SMS about roaming tariffs in the given network/country.
The Rules for Outgoing Calls Dialing
to mobile network: + [country code] [mobile network prefix] [telephone number]
to fixed network: + [country code] [fixed network prefix] [telephone number]
For example: to call to Armenia just dial the number in the following format:
+374 [network prefix] [telephone number] - +374 99 XXX XXX
Internet in roaming
- You can use mobile data in Team roaming partners’ up to 4G/LTE networks.
- To use mobile data in roaming you should enable Mobile Data (Cellular Data) from settings and activate Mobile Data in Roaming and fill in the Access Point Name (APN): internet (in case it is not filled in).
- In more than 100 countries in all operator’s networks, you can activate special Roaming packages to get use of lower tariffs on Internet in Roaming. For the full list of countries and detailed information, please follow the link.Roaming package 6000 MB, Roaming package 3000 MB, Roaming package 1000 MB, Roaming package 500 MB.
Additional Information
Your friends and relatives in Armenia can call to your Team phone number in Roaming according to tariffs of local network.
Using Team roaming you can contact Team Customer Support Center via free of charge telephone number +374-8000-0612 worldwide.
Frequency band of some cellular networks differs from the frequency band of Team network. Make sure that your phone supports the frequency of local operators’ networks (850 MHz and 1900 MHz) before visiting North America.
In USA, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Japan your telephone should support 3G and/or 4G/LTE networks. Roaming for phones that support only 2G networks is not available in these countries.