Roaming tariffs

Country Internet  AMD/MB Incoming calls
Outgoing calls to Armenia AMD/min Outgoing calls Local AMD/min Otgoing calls CIS+ AMD/min Outgoing calls Intern. AMD/min SMS AMD Satellite AMD
Beeline - Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Wind - Italy, Kyivstar - Ukraine, Cellfie - Georgia 9 29.99 29,99** 250 600 1700 30 6000
Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine (on all networks, except Beeline, Kyivstar, Cellfie) 9 150 150 250 600 1700 50 6000
All European countries (except Monaco), USA, Egypt, Thailand, Taiwan, Israel, Canada, Japan, China, Qatar and a number of other countries (see the map) 9 150 150 500 1250 1700 150 6000
UAE, Bahrain, Tunisia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Jordan, Mali, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tanzania, Kuwait, Philippines and a number of other countries (see the map) 15 250 250 500 1250 1700 250 6000
Brazil, Turkey, Colombia, India, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Peru, Uruguay and a number of other countries (see the map) 50 150 150 500 1250 1700 150 6000
Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Monaco, Nepal,Palestine,Pakistan  and a number of other countries (see the map) 490 400 1200 400 1800 1900 170 600
Bahamas, Bermuda,Guatemala, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Ecuador, Turkmenistan,Laos, Cuba,Haiti, Maldives, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Syria, Seychelles, Chile and a number of other countries (see the map) 8000 800 2500 800 2500 2500 600 6000

*AMD 29,99 is valid for the calls to Team numbers with prefixes (374 91, 99, 96, 43, 33 and 97). The price of calls to fixed and other mobile networks of RA will be AMD 150.

Additional Information:
Prices are indicated in drams, including VAT.
All calls are rounded up the nearest minute.
The minimum data charge is on per 10KB basis. Incoming SMS are free.
Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan are included in CIS+ direction.