Recharge my balance
The service «Recharge my balance» gives an opportunity to mobile prepaid and postpaid subscribers of Team to send a request on money transfer to the balance of his/her mobile phone in «domestic» network and in roaming, as well as to mobile subscribers of Beeline Russia and CIS1.
The service is provided free.
Dial the *144* [the number of the subscriber to whom the request is addressed] # command
Dial the telephone number in 09XXXXXXX format
The number of the subscribers of Beeline Russia, Georgia and CIS is to be dialed in the international format: + the country code and the number of the subscriber
For baring request receiving dial the *144*0# command
For activating the requests receiving, dial the *144*1# command
During a day you can send no more than 10 requests: maximum 5 requests to the subscribers of Beeline Russia and CIS and maximum 5 requests to the subscribers of Armenia mobile operators.