- 28 March Beeline supports developing of distance learning in Armenia
- 27 March Beeline supports volunteers of the RA Ministry of Health
- 25 March Following-up the decision of the Commandant Beeline temporarily closes all sales and service offices
- 24 March Subscribers of Beeline mobile communication services now can enter a number of government sites without Internet tariffication.
- 23 March Beeline Armenia CEO`s appeal
- 17 March Changes in terms of "Trusted Payment" service
- 17 March Special terms for our subscribers in Roaming!
- 16 March Due to situation with COVID-19 Beeline closes all sales and service offices and postpones payments
- 16 March You will not be bored with us!
- 12 March With the assistance of Beeline, Ashtarak Startup Club has been renovated and refurbished