Beeline Armenia CEO`s appeal

Dear friends,
Currently, coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a really grave impact on our lives. Thousands of people aren`t going to their workplaces, the children are not going to schools and nurseries, public and cultural events are being canceled. Our social life is changing and what is the hardest to cope with is that we are all missing the private communication and personal meetings that we all were so much used to.
The mission of Beeline as telecommunication operator is to bring the joy of communication to people. The distance used to be the challenge yesterday, while our main enemy today is the virus. The dimensions have essentially shrunk while the hazard – on the contrary.
However, we are staying vigilant and we have had precautions in place to secure the safety of both our employees and customers. We have closed the offices; our employees are working remotely, and our services are available online. Providing both the domestic and international connectivity, we will do our best to ensure that the connectivity and internet always keep working. In this climate, our mission is acquiring new, even more crucial aspects: now this is a social mission and duty to the entire population of Armenia and to each customer.
Within the scope of social activities, we are also working in partnership with the Government authorities, in particular with the Ministry of Health, in order to support each of our subscribers and the volunteers working to contain the coronavirus pandemic. We already have many activities planned and I will keep you updated on the main events.
Today we simply must support each other and take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Bless you!