Product bootcamp teams presented their designs to the jury

05 December
Product bootcamp teams presented their designs to the jury

5 December, 2018, Yerevan: Product bootcamp team members, organized by Beeline Armenia and Microsoft Innovation Center in Armenia, presented their works to the jury.

Teams-authors of the two best projects will receive financing in the amount of 1.5 million AMD to move their idea one step further and to turn it into a prototype product.

10 teams that passed preliminary selection stage, representing innovative technological solutions in the areas of tourism, financial and banking, healthcare services and other areas, passed into mentoring stage. Leading experts from various fields worked with the teams and helped them better understand the possible market and customers; outline the main characteristics (features) of their product and conduct in-depth market research to study existing competitors and to identify their advantages. The ideas presented by the teams were at development levels - starting from the idea to the first prototype development.

“Beeline plays a great role in the development of the Armenian start-up ecosystem, as well as in the promotion of start-ups. This is very important, because in this way we not only support the development of technologies, but also help Armenian youth to succeed, create their own business and enter the international market. That is why we are constantly trying to implement international experience, and in connection with that we replaced the hackaton with Product bootcamp this year. I am convinced that all participants of our competition will achieve great success and will improve the lives of many people with their work,” said Public Relations Service Manager Naira Nazaryan.

“For startups that are at the idea stage, working with mentors is very important, as they are still trying to understand their potential product, the market and the users. The teams selected as part of the camp went through a very important stage, after which they needed some financial resources to turn their idea into the first prototype. As part of the Product bootcamp, we will continue to work with the teams and follow their development and provide financial resources stage-by-stage,” said Microsoft Innovation Center Director Artashes Vardanyan.

As part of the demo-day, the jury members representing the Armenian start-up community, studying the ideas of the teams and the realized work, will select the two best teams that will receive financing for their product prototype development within the next three months. The main selection criteria are innovation and applicability of the idea, as well as team composition, work and development carried out up to this stage.

For detailed information, please contact:

Lusine Ghukasyan  

Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia

About Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia

Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia began its activity in 2011 thanks to joint efforts of the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Microsoft Corporation. Immediately after its creation, the Center joined the international network of Innovation Centers and began active work within the framework of activities carried out by Microsoft in order to develop innovative and creative thinking throughout the world.