Bill detailing
Get detailed information about your account
You can learn about what numbers have been dialed, and how your resources have been consumed from detailed listing of accounts – detailing1
- the detailed bill is given for calendar month; 1 month is 1 calendar month
- the current month is 1 calendar month
- the incoming calls detailed bill is given maximum for the last 3 years upon submission of application
- the outgoing calls detailed bill is given maximum for the last 3 years upon submission of application
- Վերծանումը տրվում է ընթացիկ ամսին նախորդող օրացույցային ամսից սկսած:
- Ելքային զանգերի վերծանումը տրվում է դիմումի ընդունման պահից մինչև 5 տարի ժամանակահատվածի համար։
- Միջքաղաքային, միջազգային և դեպի հանրային շարժական բջջային կապի ցանցեր ելքային զանգերի վերծանումը յուրաքանչյուր հաշվարկային ժամանակաշրջանի համար տրամադրվում է անվճար, իսկ տեղական (լոկալ) զանգերի համար ըստ սահմանված վճարի։
- Ֆիսված կապի բաժանորդներին մուտքային զանգերի վերծանում չի տրամադրվում:
- the detailed bill is given beginning from the month preceding the current month. 1 month is 1 calendar month
- the incoming calls detailed bill is given maximum for the last 3 months upon submission of application
- the outgoing calls detailed bill is given with limitation up to 5 years upon submission of application
For prepaid system subscribers who are physical entities
Outgoing calls detailed bills (each month) | 700 AMD |
Incoming calls detailed bills (each month) | 700 AMD |
If the subscriber is a legal person:
- The authorized person of the given organization presents a passport and a power of attorney approved by the head of the organization with the signature and seal (if available)
- Also - a request about receiving account detailing.
If there are several numbers on Subscriber account, there is an account for each telephone number in the table. It is possible to receive Detailed Bill for a few days only for subscribers of prepaid system. Detailing is provided for subscribers of postpaid system for the whole accounting period – 30 days.
1Account detailing is not a financial document and is not verified by signature of responsible person and stamp of the organization, as it is not intended for presenting to taxing or any other controlling organs, it has only an informative character.
The application of the legal body must include the telephone number for which the account detailing is requested, and must be stamped and signed by the organization’s director.
Detailed information about Account detailing conditions, service cost, as well as procedure order and duration is provided in Customer Care Office.
Prices are indicated in drams, including VAT.